About Me
Albert Wong, Ph.D.

Dr. Albert Wong is the Director of Somatic Psychology at JFK University and a leading clinician and educator in the field of somatics. A Marshall Scholar educated at Princeton and Oxford, Dr. Albert Wong has been honored for his work in psychotherapy by The Northern California Community for Emotion Focused Therapy, the American Psychological Association Psychoanalytic Division, and the Yale Psychoanalytic Research Training Program. In the 1990s, he served as residential staff at the Esalen Institute for five years and has been featured on PBS, in Time Magazine, and the book The American Soul Rush.
His work has been published in titles ranging from the scientific journal Biological Cybernetics to the book anthology Radical Spirit. One of his film projects, Step One Breathe, was named Best Drama at the Maryville Film Festival.
He is the founder and CEO of the online educational website, Somatopia. He recently presented a workshop at the International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy entitled Many Dances, One Rhythm: A Somatic Exploration of Gestalt-Based Movement Practices, as well as the International Expressive Arts Association Conference.
ALBERT WONG, PH.D. · ONE H STREET, SUITE #203 · SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA 94901 · #PSY27690 · (415) 545-8899